28 March, 2009

some of my faves...

these are some of my favorite photos by little sister Ivy...they're mostly of me and Levi. i think maybe we're vain? haha! :/ oh yes - the black and white of me with Levi on my back (to the right of your screen) is by Ivy as well. it's one of our favorite photos.

anyway, i like what she's does with a camera. she's a talent, and i'm sharing her with you.

ivy's self portrait

the family dog - Buttercup!!

for some reason, levi and i both love this photo even though it's just not very flattering!

classy. i'm biting my nails. :/

Butter loves the hose.

my boy is so GOOD TO LOOK AT!!


  1. all of those photos are so amazing! your sister is quite talented!

  2. she's very talented! I love the one where you're drawing :)

  3. wow! Ivy's awesome!
    And buttercup is precious times

  4. The second to last one is my fav. Gorgeous. Ivy is brilliant photographer. :]

  5. your sis is uber talented - i adore the photo above your 'about me'.


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