25 August, 2010

christmas in august!

i just made our appointment to volunteer with operation christmas child this christmas. yes, you have to plan ahead this far in advance if you want a spot. it's crazy! but i'm glad so many people want to help!

if you're looking for something cool to do for others this christmas, i highly recommend looking into this project, organized by samaritan's purse.

they collect, process, and deliver shoeboxes filled with toys, treats, and simple necessities to children all over the world at christmastime. last year, almost 8 million children received christmas gifts through operation christmas child!

if there aren't any processing centers nearby where you can volunteer, you can always donate a filled shoebox that will be sent to a child in need this christmas. it's really fun to go shopping as a group for fun little goodies to fill your shoebox with, then return home for a shoebox packing party. we've done this as a family before, and i love it! there's no better way to get into the christmas spirit than doing something for others.

merry christmas in august! be sure to let me know if you end up helping. i'd love to hear about your experience.


  1. Ahhh, I used to do this at school! You've inspired me to do it again this year, thank you! x

  2. aww my work place is always a drop off center for the boxes so i get to be a part of it:) its an amazing thing isnt it! that's so sweet of you:)

  3. oh, we have parties at church to put together our boxes! i love this group- they do such wonderful work :-)

  4. samaritan's purse is such a great organization. my aunt and uncle have completed two year-long church missions through them, one in liberia and the other in kenya. i'm not sure that i could pack up and live on the other side of the world for that long, but i definitely want to put together some boxes. :)


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