20 November, 2009

welcome to the mind of a crazy person

i went to bed before levi last night (a rare occurrence; we always go to bed together).

even though he was just in the other room, i sent him a text message when i was half asleep.

i read it in the morning, and this is what i said:

"i feel like invisible creatures are jumping out of my brain to tickle me."


clearly, i am insane.


  1. hahaha i've seen my half-asleep texts as well, but nothing quite like that ;)

  2. half asleep text messages always make for entertaining reading once you wake up. haha.

  3. Even your imagination is running when you're half asleep. Awesome! XD

  4. hahahahaha jasmine... i love you.

  5. Nice one!
    You are a creative mind )))
    Perhaps, you could take a look at my insane blog.


  6. We are both crazy. Come read my dream blog.icouldnotsleep.blogspot.com. Your text is great.

  7. I am told that once I woke my beloved, apparently *very* determinedly, and said to him with an utmost seriousness: "Mysterious budo".

    Then I continued to sleep.

    Brains are funny things, huh? :3

  8. `hahahahahha. you are precious (:

  9. BAH! that is pretty much the funniest thing i've read all week!

  10. Texting when you're half asleep-- is that better or worse than drunk texting? LOL!

  11. Talking to in your sleep is much more fun.

    Once, when I was working on a network project, I shouted at my boyfriend "THE ROUTERS ARE FINE!" while I was fast asleep.

  12. oh man, half-asleep text messages are the best! your true thoughts come out. or you just say something ridiculous that isn't even decodable. this text is just awesome though haha!

  13. oh man, half-asleep text messages are the best! your true thoughts come out. or you just say something ridiculous that isn't even decodable. this text is just awesome though haha!


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