22 November, 2009

birthdays are a very close second to christmas

it's my baby's birthday today!

he is turning 29!

when did we get so old, levi?!

happy birthday to my very best friend. i love you. for your birthday, i won't complain once during football. you can watch for as long as you want, and you won't hear a peep out of me. i'll even cook anything you want while you watch. this is how much i love you.

(this is one of my favorite photos of levi. it's kind of a joke. he won the beer as a prize at a wedding shower, but he hates budweiser...hence the face. but even though he's making a grossed out face and holding crappy beer, he looks....hot.)


  1. happy birthday to Levi! You two aren't old! enjoy your day!

  2. it is another levi's birthday too -- he's 3! kinda wild they have the same name and the same b'day...

  3. Awww Happy Bday to your hunny!!! =D

  4. He does indeed look very dishy! And Levi is such a cool name. I look forward to boyfriend's birthdays even more than mine - it's so much fun to spoil them!

  5. Happy Birthday to Levi! Hope you both have a great day =]

  6. Happy Birthday Levi!

  7. Happy B-day Levi!

    Oh dearie.. You are NOT old... I am turning 44 in just 6 days and I thought I'd always stay in my 30s! 30s are THE BEST!!! Take care and happy Thanksgiving, too!!


  8. Happy Birthday to Levi! Yes...this picture of him is HOT!


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