19 March, 2009

Mostly Happy and a Little Impatience

by Garance Dore

Things that are making me happy today:

1. just found out i have to learn French since i switched to an art history major.

2. anne of green gables - anne inspires me to be more "me" without caring what other people think and to accept myself just the way that i am.

3. i am going back to ballet on monday after missing two weeks from being flu-ish and out of town.

4. i'm ready to get all crazy about yoga and will be starting a new regime next week.

5. it's almost 7:00, and i can still see blue sky and hear birds chirping.

6. i tried a bathing suit on today and DIDN'T hate my body!

Things that I'm getting a little tired of waiting for:

1. a new apartment:

a. i want to have people over for dinners and parties and just hanging out.
b. with hard wood floors because i love them and they're so much prettier than emerald green carpet
c. with a big enough kitchen and a sink that isn't painted on the bottom
d. that we can actually decorate in a manner that reflects our style and doesn't look like a junk yard collection
e. with enough space so that we can actually be in separate rooms while we're both home!

2. new clothes. all mine are breaking.

3. a job so we can make these things happen!


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