30 July, 2010

roasted stuff

i've been so busy this week! lots and lots to do.

i kinda forgot the internet existed for anything except work!

last week, i made a really yummy dinner that i wanted to share.

i call it roasted stuff!

i went to whole foods and bought a load of vegetables:

(russet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, baby artichokes, green beans, garlic, and assorted fingerling potatoes - the blue & purple were my favorite)

i prepped everything and put it all in two separate baking dishes - one for potatoes and one for everything else. i roasted it all at 450 degrees with olive oil, garlic, salt, & pepper. the potatoes went in first for about 50-60 minutes, and then everything else went in for about 30 minutes. there's no exact cooking time...you just have to check to see how things are cooking.

delicious and amazing. we will definitely be doing this again.

this weekend, we're going to the wedding of some friends. levi's doing their hair so it's going to be an all day event.

and on sunday, we're going to the skirball center for their monsters & miracles exhibit, then having dinner with a really good friend.

what do you have planned for this weekend? please share...i might copy you next weekend. :)


  1. We recently moved, so we are having people over as a reason for us to make sure that everything is unpacked/put away/cleaned up. Plus, we get to see a group of friends all at once and have yummy drinks!

  2. mmmm! so happy you posted this! I've been contemplating roasting some potatoes, I've even bought beautiful red russet ones, but had some skepticism. I tend to burn everything. Even popcorn. But after seeing this beautiful ensemble guess who is having potatoes for dinner?!


  3. i don't think you want to copy my weekend. i'll be working. if i can switch shifts with a coworker, i'll be going to the fair to see sheena easton.

  4. Wow, that looks yummy! I LOVE Whole Foods.

  5. yummmmmmmm! i need to make that!

    hmm, weekend plans: saturday working on home projects then heading to orange county for my husband's band's show + release party for their new 7". sunday: forgoing a Melrose Trading Post visit to go shopping with my girlfriend. will be looking for cute dresses for my 1 year anniversary trip to palm springs!

    hopefully the weekend involves gelato as well!

    xo, jessica

  6. That looks sooo good. I may just have to make it. :)
    This weekend I'm packing. Moving away to Arizona. :D

  7. been knitting, cuddling my cat and relaxing all day
    gonna bake some cookies now
    and tomorrow... don't know yet, improvisation always welcome
    bises from france ;-)

  8. I'm studying for a radiology exam that's in a couple of weeks. I don't think you want to copy that...

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You should totally audition for the next season of The Next Food Network Star! Think about it.

  9. omg, this is one of my favorite dishes! especially in summer!


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