08 July, 2010

i miss my rainbowed butt.

today, i really miss my rainbow butt jeans.

while they are not completely dead, they are sitting in the back of my closet, riddled with huge holes, gashes, and paint splotches.

i'll love you forever, rainbow butt jeans. you were the best pair i ever had.


  1. reminds me of rainbow bright!

  2. very cute, try to salvage them, sew up the holes :)

  3. You could still wear them it will be very rock and roll

  4. At least you have them immortalized in the blog world now. :-)

  5. Cute! You could always repurpose them into a purse or a pillowcover or something.

  6. Classic! Too bad they wear out, jeans are the coolest when they are right.

  7. Oh snap, they are SO good!

  8. love them. that reminds of a pair I had when I was 8. the rainbow started at the back of the center of the ankles and went across the bootay and back down the other leg. they were awesome with mork and mindy suspenders. now i sound really old.


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