18 October, 2010


i love to sing. i'm probably singing or humming something during about 50% of my waking hours...and i swear i sing in my dreams, so you could probably throw some of my sleeping hours into that statistic too.

i have favorite driving songs ("let's get it on" and "sexual healing" - strange, yes), favorite cooking songs, favorite getting dressed songs, etc. but, i think we'd all agree that, the best place to sing is in the shower. therefore,

my top 3 favorite songs to sing in the shower are:

1. "son of a preacher man"
2. "a change is gonna come"
3. "oh, holy night" (??)

if you were stranded on a desert island (i know this doesn't make sense; just go with it) and could only choose 3 sing-it-in-the-shower songs to have with you, what would you choose?


  1. Beautiful Boys - Cocoa Rosie
    The Cave - Mumford and Sons
    That's All - Genesis


  2. I just laughed out loud at oh holy night hahaha

  3. Sweet Disposition: Temper Trap
    Wildflowers: Tom Petty
    Castle on a Cloud: from Les Miserables!

    I love to sing too...and I wish my voice sounded as good as I think it does in my head. :)

  4. Too funny! I would probably pick... "Dreams" by the Cranberries, "You and Me" by Dave Matthews and... "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler, because there's nothing funnier than belting that song completely off-key!

  5. 1) Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
    2) Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
    3) Don't Stop Believin' by Journey

    Partly because I'm on a desert island and need an optimistic song... partly because that song is Always.In.My.Head.


  6. I sing Oh, Holy Night all the time!!
    All year round ;)

  7. What a great question! I honestly don't know what songs I'd pick, only that I'd definitely replace all of the lyrics with ones about my cats and my dog because I do that ALL THE TIME. I think it drives my husband a little crazy!

  8. HAHAHAHAHA. I sing Oh, Holy Night in the shower as well. Been doing that since I was a kid, not sure why? Maybe it's just a fun song to sing?

  9. "I will always love you"-Whitney Houston

    "Take The Box"-Amy Winehouse

    I cant think of a 3rd one right now. But singing in the shower & in the car are my favorite spots.


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