05 May, 2011

may goals & beautiful macarons

since we're in a new month, and since my whole world seems to be changing right now, i think a little goal-setting session is in order!

my goals for may:

1. start doing yoga.
2. spend less time on the internet daily.
3. institute computer-free weekends a couple times this month.
4. start reading again.

i think i'm going to share some of the books i've been dying to read next week (or maybe tomorrow?) to get me inspired to read again. i used to read constantly, but haven't really been in the mood over the last year or two. that needs to change.

alright, now that that's done, let's talk about macarons. ohhhh, how i love paulette macarons! they are exquisite. i'm so glad that levi appreciates them (almost) as much as i do.


yes, we toast with macarons.

they're so beautiful!


how's that for a random post??! ;)


  1. Random? yeah, a little, but you nailed the transition! ...and beautiful pictures as always!

  2. Hahaha Levi! Yes, you nailed that trasition!

    Now go read a freaking book. Geezzz!

  3. I love yoga! I really need to start doing it more as well... and less computer time is a good goal for everyone I think :)

    I want to try a Macaron so badly!!!!!! These pics make them look SOOOOOOOOO delicious!

  4. I literally JUST wrote a post on new beginnings!
    I am taking a week to cleanse/detox after finishing my second year of law school [tomorrow!!!]

    Here is my post:

    Can I link to this post?

    OR better yet- can you write me a post about your new focuses/new beginnings and goals?

    You can even include macaroons too ;)

    XO, Jessica

  5. i have similar goals for may - less internet time and more reading time. also need to dedicate some serious focus on wedding diy projects!!

  6. hahahahahahha this post made me smile. i could just hear you saying it!

    i'll start reading more with you.

  7. Yum those look so good! Also it is my summer goal to read more :)

  8. oh, yum yum yum yum yum. i'm moving to ca just so i can get my hands on some of those (nh = no macarons).

  9. mmm...macarons. :) I do a computer-free weekend once a month, and it's really wonderful. I feel like I'm attached to technology all the time, so disconnecting is awkward at first, but I never regret it.

  10. We are thinking about that non-internet weekend too

  11. Mmmmmm macaroons. Now I have a craving.

  12. yoga is always a great idea. when i lived on hawaii i did it on the beach in the mornings. WOW... it was incredible.

  13. I definitely agree with your goals. I have been a yoga lover off and on but currently haven't been doing it at all. I totally need to get back to that - it always makes me feel so good when I do it!

    As for the internet - I have a love/hate relationship with that. I love spending time on it and reading my blogs, but I hate how time-consuming it can be. I think the thing for me is that I can't access it at work so I feel like I have to cram it in every evening... which doesn't leave room for much else.

    Definitely feel ya on the reading thing. I used to read incessantly. That stopped somewhere around college when reading became more of a "have to". I really want to get back to reading for fun, but now I don't generally have any time! Sigh... such is life...

  14. I feel the same way, I need to spend less time on the net. It's taken over my life!


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