06 January, 2013



"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Cecily: 11 weeks. Lounging in front of the Christmas tree. She was annoyed when I picked her up.

I've decided to participate in Jodi's 52 in 2013 project this year... along with many others. It should be fun to see how Cecily grows week by week. :) This one was taken with my iPhone because I still have no idea how to take good photos with my Nikon. I will learn though!


  1. i love this picture of her so much. she is just chillin' and relaxin' in that chair. life is good, silly. LIFE is good.

  2. This is such a good idea to make sure you capture her first year. I'm excited to see how she grows.

  3. Hi and thanks for commenting on my 1/52.

    This is a great pose - so grown up!

    Hope you get a chance to give your Nikon a workout.


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