09 May, 2010

happy mother's day, moms!

this is the weed bouquet that levi picked, all by himself, for his mom when he was 5 years old.

isn't that just the sweetest thing?

today we are going to celebrate mother's day with my lovely momma and remember what a beautiful woman and mother levi's mom was.

happy mother's day to all you moms out there!


  1. So adorable. Better than some of the gifts I chose in my early years!


  2. I loved it when my kids picked my weed bouquets. there would usually be some wildflowers in there too.

  3. What a handsome young gentlemen! I love weed bouquets.*winter

  4. That's adorable! i have pics of my first "weed" bouquet, too.

  5. What a cutie, smiles exactly the same now as then.....

  6. AWWWWW, Levi!! sooo cute (:

  7. aww levi was adorable:) hope you had fun with your mom hun!!

  8. that is so incredibly sweet. i hope you guys had a wonderful day.


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