19 April, 2010


we got a table last night so our dining nook is almost complete!

it's pretty much the only corner of the house that's close to completion (even though we've been here for almost an entire year). we'll probably hang something else up on the wall to break up the yellow a bit.

these pictures are pretty horrible, but without a real camera, they're the best i can do. i had to blast the saturation to get the yellow in the photos to slightly resemble the yellow on our walls. it's a richer, sunnier hue in real life...but that's what you get with an iPhone and bad lighting.

the framed photograph above our table was a gift from maddie. i love it. it's perfect. (it says, "sammy's food made with love.")

it's so nice to have a place to sit and enjoy breakfast!


  1. Ohhh, i love yellow! it's looks like a tiny cafe!!

  2. i love this!!! nooks are amazing - my friend has a yellow breakfast nook and it's my favorite place in her entire house!

  3. Jasmine, it's adorable!

  4. Well done with the picture placement. Perfect.

  5. just too cute! love it jasmine!


  6. aw, love the nook! and i love what you did with the picture! glad to see you're back to blogging again jasmine :) i need to get my arse back in it.

  7. is that a liberty for target mug? love.

    that nook just invites a hot cup of coffee and a good book on a saturday morning.

  8. abby - yes, it is! i love the print. :)

  9. Aww, so cute! I love yellow for kitchens/eating areas, it's so cheery!

  10. love it! i want to sit down and have a nice sip of tea there!

  11. I love how bright and cheerful your little nook is! Very cool. Hope you had a good weekend!

  12. How cute is this? Dining nooks give me the warm and fuzzies. It seems mandatory to be happy while sitting in one. And the yellow is divine! xox

  13. Love the yellow! It will be such a sunny place to sit and have something yummy:)


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