18 September, 2009



i have decided that i'm not going to quit blogging.

after being honest about it and just letting it all out and getting my emotions out of the way, i couldn't really imagine leaving.

so i'm sticking around.

but i'm not gonna lie, i'm loving this break, and i really needed it.

i have now learned that breaks can be really good and really healthy, and i am going to take them when i need them.

sometimes i'm a little dense (or maybe stubborn and proud are more appropriate words), and it takes me awhile to learn things. but better late than never!

i'm circulating some ideas through my brain right now on how to change some things around here.

i won't be back until monday or wednesday, but i will definitely be back!
thank you sooooo much for the outpouring of love, concern, and well wishes. you don't know how much it means to me, but i assure you it means a lot. i wish i could personally respond and thank each and every one of you.

thanks for sticking with me. i'll see you soon.



  1. Thank God! :)

    See you sooooon <3

  2. Its ok to take breaks so don't worry about letting us down. We will somehow survive.

  3. YAY!!!!
    I'm happy you won't be leaving.

  4. So wise of you!

    I find, the more I take time to make sure I'm doing ok, the better I feel about myself and life in general.

    Sending special thoughts and prayers your way!

  5. YAY! I don't know what i'd do without more fabulous Gretel the kitty photos!

  6. *phew* because I was thinking that we just became friends and that would just be unfair. ;)

  7. Don't ever feel bad about taking a break. Sometimes it's just necessary. Refresh lady.

  8. Don't ever feel bad about taking a break. Sometimes it's just necessary. Refresh lady.

  9. I just saw both this post and the one before it and I have to say I'm soo glad you're staying!
    I'd be so sad if you were finished!

    Thanks for being you!

  10. see ya whenever you wanna come around! enjoy the break

  11. yay welcome back! hope you had a good break! xoxo

  12. im so so so glad you aren't going to quit blogging. i read your blog everyday and i think its so sweet, so heartfelt and i would miss it ever so much if you quit.

    thanks for sticking with us! :)

  13. Sure thing! I read that first line and didn't see the "not" and thought "OH NO!"

    Glad to hear it. Don't stress over us. We'll be here!

  14. Good girl!!
    Breathe.....you are loved you are appreciated

  15. I'm soo happy you sill be sticking around. Your blog makes me smile. A lot!!

  16. glad you're going to stay. i just found your space not too long ago and like it here...

    enjoy your break. they are important to recharge, refocus...

  17. i'm glad you'll be back. don't let the man get you down.

  18. everyone needs a break now and again :) happy unplugging!

  19. I have to say I always thought your rate of bloggy output was extraordinary. Plus, you're taking all kinds of classes now. No wonder you were funked out! We all enjoy your posts but don't stress over it, just do them when you feel like it, we'll still be here.

  20. I had the same thought about a week or two ago. Things just got so overwhelming and in a moment of irrationality, I was like, "I'm done!" I took a week off, gathered my thoughts, and decided that writing was still too important to give up. I'm vowing to myself to take a step back from my blog, because it's easy to become too addicted to it. I totally understand where you're coming from, and I empathize. Keep your head up!!

  21. Yay! Glad you decided to stick around! :)

  22. We've all got a little stubborn in us. Having an outlet like this is a great thing- just remember you don't owe anyone anything. Write when you feel like it!

  23. Hey Jasmine! I'm so glad you've decided to keep your blog. I love it so much, that I've given you an award over on my blog. Check it out when you're over your hiatus!

  24. I'm with Lilu...

    Even though we are real life friends now YAY!, I would miss your lovely blog.

  25. That's a good news today!
    at least one!
    I'm glad you won't quit the blog because I really like to read it. I think it's one of the most amazing, interesting blog in this fantastic blogworld!
    I had the same feeling few months ago... but at the end someone used the nicest words ever and I'm still here!
    So...I'm happy to read again and again your blog...

    Have a terrific wednesday!

  26. lady, i've been reading all your posts via my iphone and i havent been able to comment! im so glad you're sticking to blogging. if it becomes anything more than a hobby than you must take a break. do it when it makes you happy and if you're not feeling it, then, well youre not feeling it. and im sure we'll all be here to share with you when you are! xoxo, hope school and everything is going great love!


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