14 September, 2009

he's crafty.

levi doesn't want to go out tonight (as in simply leaving the house), but i do, so he's manipulating me with sad faces saying that gretel needs us.

that's low, levi. really low.

do i need to remind you of the quote we saw on the back of that classic car the other day?

oh, i do?

okay, here it is:

"we do not stop playing because we grow old. we grow old because we stop playing."
(you can read it if you click the photo to make it bigger.)

so come on! let's go!


  1. ...she's sleeping on my arm as I type this. She's still so little.. She neeeds us!

  2. Haha I might have to agree with Levi on this one... the little one needs you :)

  3. aw, how can u leave ur cute kitty alone? haha

  4. I'm a softy for a kitten and all, but I say get out and about! Give the little one some bonding time with Lily! :)

  5. I have never met either of you - but I agree that you should be going out - mostly because I'm usually the one wanting to go :) do it!!!

  6. dang. levi has some buff strongs. stop being an old man levi. go out. gretel needs to explore her new house by herself. it is a kitten rite of passage.

  7. oh cute! new kitten! I loved all of the photos :)

  8. Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. Franz Kafka.

    True story!!

  9. I'm with Levi...new kitten, Monday night....staying in!

  10. my hubby didn't want to go out either!! i tried laying down and starting at him using the computer, but it didn't work. boo. if we lived in the same neighborhood (or state), we could have played!

  11. These is a lot of playing you can do in doors! How sweet that he wants to be there to take care of something. Very sweet. There will be plenty of days to get out and play! Really.

  12. cutest skirt ever lady! and that quote is so true.

  13. I've always loved that quote, it's so true!

  14. Love that quote, it's so true.

  15. haaaa. i love this. amazing quote.

  16. Super cute photo!

  17. It is a toughy to decide whether to stay in and cuddle with kittens or go out and have some adventure! Both are good options, though! :) Your skirt is sooo cute, btw! love it!

  18. I absolutely love that quote and totally agree with it. Also, Gretel is adorable! I wish I wasn't so allergic because I'd love to get a kitty for my apartment.

  19. I love that!!! but I think I love levi's comment even more lol!

  20. I love that quote!

  21. don't be fooled, people! levi's real agenda was staying home to watch football games and sports center!

  22. I love that saying! It's such a simple way to say something big.


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