28 September, 2009

it's true.

we thought these little onesies were funny.

someone has only thought i was a boy once since i've had short hair. in my defense though, i had a life jacket on, my feet were strapped to a wakeboard, only my head was sticking out of the water, and the guy was like 30 feet away.

we had a good weekend! we cleaned the house, played with the kitties, sat on our new couch a lot, had dinner with my family, talked to levi's dad on the phone, i went shopping with my mom, and we played cranium with a big group of friends.

did i study for my first french test on thursday? no.
did i study for my first lit midterm on friday? no.
did i do laundry? another big no.

but i did start reading i was told there'd be cake by sloane crosley, and i played a lot of sorority life on facebook.

i know my priorities.

hope you all had lovely weekends!


  1. I played Cranium (for the first time) this weekend too!

  2. Those onesies are so funny!

    Sounds like a had a great weekend!

  3. Weekends are all about blowing off everything you think you should be doing and instead doing what you want! xo!

  4. you did the most important things :) glad you had a good weekend!! have an even better week and good luck on all your exams

  5. i love onesies, i've secretly bought a few {don't tell jake!} babies are far, FAR away in our future... but they might stop making those onesies!

  6. that sounds like a relaxing few days :) those onesies are adorable! and jasmine, you look nothing like a boy, you are gorgeous! your short hair totally suits you, i love it! wish i could have pulled it off better :(

  7. No one has thought I was a boy with my short hair but when I had it in the fourth grade everyone thought I was a boy even when I was wearing a pink Minnie mouse sweater!

    Those are hilarious!

  8. I was called a boy by my best friend (a boy)'s brothers when I was little. Except unlike you, these boys knew me and just wanted to tease me. So mean!

    Short haircuts rock. End of story.

  9. I always put off doing the things I know I should be doing.

  10. people mistake my brother for a girl ALL the time. it cracks me up. he is soooo pretty. :)

  11. spoken like a true college student.

  12. haha, i love the onesies! Don't feel too bad. I totally procrastinated on the homework as well. :)

  13. Did you know you're the best? You make me laugh everyday! Thanks. :D

  14. I have never had anyone think I was a boy, but I have had someone think I was about 13 (I am almost 29)

  15. I absolutely LOVE that book!!! I read it so quickly and wished it was about 200 pages longer once I was done, haha!

  16. I think that book is the best! Especially the ponies story. Haha!

  17. haha, i think you and i have our priorities in order!! school and laundry can wait!

  18. Very funny onesies! You know, I think it's worse when boys are mistaken for girls. My little bro is a bit aquishy and his hair is longish...walking into Walmart with him and my sis and the greeter says "Welcome, ladies," is not such a good thing. Yours was quite excusable, brother needs to cut his hair.

  19. Haha! I also did not study for anything I SHOULD have this weekend. I just played... with a boy. And it was totally worth it. :)

  20. work-less weekends can be so good for the soul. I need one of those weekends. cute photo of the two of you! xoxo

  21. Bonne chance, Jasmine!!
    It'll be a breeze.

    I took French all through middle school and most of high school and just switched to Spanish!
    It's an interesting transition but I love the language.

    <3 Grace.

  22. so awesome! I'm reading "I was told there'd be cake" too!

  23. my favorite part of the weekend was the cranium with friends part....one of my very favorite activities! we played Office trivia last night, i lost sorely.

    anyway i am actually jealous of your lit midterm! can i help you study! ha...i seriously can't believe how much i miss being a student.

  24. I Was Told There'd Be Cake is staring at me from my bookshelf right now. Good choice! So funny :]

  25. You are so gorgeous with your hair. I have been meaning to tell you this anyway!

    Sounds like a fab weekend!! I did nohting. It was great!

  26. LOVE those onesies! And your weekend sounds so relaxing. Sometimes you just have to put everything else off for a little while and kick back. Good luck on your tests!

    And check out my blog when you get a chance. I gave you an award!


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