02 August, 2011

My Souvenir

When I was little, my family was fortunate enough to know the wife of a man who helped build Disneyland. Her husband had passed away, but she had lifelong access to the park, and she was allowed to sign people in whenever she wanted! As a result, my entire family got to go to Disneyland once every year. It was awesome!!

On every trip, I was allowed to get one "souvenir." It could be (almost) anything I wanted, within reason. I always knew exactly when I had found the perfect souvenir. I treasured my souvenirs so much. To this day, I still remember a few of them - a pink princess hat (one of those cone shaped ones), a Dumbo stuffed animal, Minnie Mouse ears with flowers and my name embroidered on it, and a Figaro stuffed animal.

Apparently, I still believe in the tradition of the souvenir because when I saw a beautiful sparkly necklace at Porch Light in Portland, I KNEW I had to have it.




The stone seems to change colors depending on the weather and what I'm wearing (just like my eyes!). It's absolutely gorgeous, and I treasure it. Every time I wear it, I think about our trip and just how special it was.


  1. absolutely gorgeous. seriously. it's beautiful.

  2. that is gorgeous! I love the color and the size. I remember being really serious as a kid, trying so hard to make a decision on which one thing I could get, too. Mementos are the best.

  3. That is BEAUTIFUL! My favorite color too.

  4. Ooo I really like this! so pretty! =)

  5. So gorgeous. I love it so much.

  6. That necklace is gorgeous! I totally believe in getting a gift whenever I go somewhere too! I always remember where I got it and it makes it that much more special :) And I love Disneyland!

    Libby on the Label


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