01 February, 2010


dearest coffee,

i miss you soooo much. my heart aches for you. every time i see someone drinking you, i wanna grab the cup away and slurp you all up.

even if that someone is on television.

please know that this is just a break. we will not be separated forever. i could never do that to us. what we had was too good, and i love you too much. as soon as my brain gets better, it's you and me, baby.

until then,



  1. Awe, sending love & caffeinated thoughts your way! <3

  2. I've never drunk coffee so I can't say I understand. But i feel the same way about see's candy.

  3. LOVE this. Can't wait to see you tomorrow! :)

  4. ah i feel your pain, i am having to give up coffee as well right now! I'm not bothered about the actual cofee but coffee FLAVOURED things are my favourite!!! And I cannot have them!

  5. great pics- you look adorable and approachable and like all that (snap snap) in each one.

    what's the current situation with the hair these days? i know it's probably not a priority (and understandably so), but im still curious.

    thoughts- prayers- warm feelings coming your way...

  6. Just so you know, the coffee I am drinking right now is delicious. :) I'm sure coffee is missing you right back, especially will all of that tongue action going on it the picture.

  7. Ah, I've been off the good stuff for almost 9 mos now.... for the most part. I'll have a decaf maybe once every 2 mos. :-/

    It gets easier! I promise!

  8. you are a brave, brave woman jasmine . . . coffee is like the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. glad you're writing more! :)

  9. you are much stronger than I would ever be... coffee and i are joined at the hip. i don't think i could EVER give it up...

    such a sweet post!! i especially love the last photo. too funny!

  10. I can't drink coffee either, try hot chocolate or tea, and also Starbucks can do like steamers of certain drinks which is the same thing minus the coffee, so like the Creme brule one is really good!

    It gets easier I don't even miss it anymore.

  11. oooooooh, i love my coffee too! that picture of the colorful macaroons is delightful.

  12. I just love the smell. I always thought I needed to be with someone who drank coffee, so they could have it every morning and I could smell it.

    But, unfortunately, Robb doesn't drink coffee.

  13. I love that last picture. It says everything doesn't it? As a fellow coffee addict I can really sympathize with you. I hope your recovery is a quick one!!!

  14. Caffeine misses you too.

    It told me so.

  15. oh hun be patient and im sure you'll get to savour the joy of a hot cuppa real soon (: love u! xo

  16. Looking through your pictures, you've really had some wonderful moments with your coffee!! lol

  17. that last picture is epic.

    i'm not a coffee drinker so i order a steamed soymilk with half almond and half chocolate (or mocha). it is literally the best thing in the world. maybe you could find a solution like that, that will give you the feeling without the caffeine. or just drink tea or hot chocolate. you can do it!

  18. LOVE that 2nd picture!
    And I thought of you last week when I ate an entire bag of goldfish in less than a day!

  19. This is the saddest post ever...
    no girl should ever have to go without her drinky drinks.

    love, rudi

  20. Ha!!! Just cutting back is seriously breaking my heart! Cold Turkey!? Brave lady!

  21. Chin up! There will always be coffee. And you'll be tip top soon!

    Oh, and I nominated you for a GLOB! I know that sounds gross, but it's actually a Gorgeous Ladies of Blogging Award!

  22. haha! I love the last pic of you licking the mug!

  23. Still praying and thinking about you.

  24. One more thing, sorry about all the typing errors in my first comment a couple of posts ago.

  25. lol...from one addict to another, good luck. (chuckle) Dear Lord, my e-mail is "javaquene!" Btw, HUGE respect for your decision making.....giving up our vices in the quest for balance and health speaks so much about the heart. Rock on.

  26. ....have you thought of trying Teeccino? Check them out...it's yumminess without all the "bad" stuff....you might find it to be a new alternative to coffee. (www.teeccino.com)
    Good luck!

  27. I'm not a coffee drinker (gasp), but those cookies look delish!

  28. Can you drink decaf? I don't know what I would do without coffee.

  29. i have the same relationship with coca cola

  30. I love coffee too...and last fall my boyfriend challenged me that I couldn't go without and was..."addicted"

    So of course I was like, whatever..I can go without...So I went without coffee, and he went without pop & smoking his pipe. I relied on hot tea to get me through. It was a long fall. He would even on some occasions let me have a special treat of coffee. Still long.

    I'm glad to have my morning cup filled with warmth & goodness again.


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