25 August, 2013


cecily the graduate

"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Cecily: 44 weeks. Levi and I are referring to this as Cecily's senior portrait. She looks like she's pondering her future behind the bars of her crib. Such a little character. I'm just happy to have a photo that shows her face still and clear. That's a rare occurrence these days! Oh, and by the way, that lump behind her is me sleeping. Levi took this one while I obliviously snoozed this morning.

Linking up with Jodi on Che and Fidel. Every week, Jodi links to a few of her favorite portraits from the previous week. I was thrilled and very flattered to find that she shared Cecily's portrait from last week on her blog over the weekend. :)


  1. this really is such a beautiful picture of her!

  2. Beautiful baby! And an interesting idea with the one photograph per day!
    -Your newest follower

    Letters from The Vintage Club

  3. I love reading these posts, especially the one about her new crib. So sweet.


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