08 June, 2013


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"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Cecily: 33 weeks. Even though this looks like a serene, beautiful moment, this was probably the crankiest day we've ever had, which is why practically every toy in the house is laid out in front of her. She had either just been screaming or started screaming after this photo was taken. Who knows? It was all a blur of screams. Poor girl needs her teeth to break through! 

Linking up with Jodi this week and every week.


  1. I love, love, love this capture. I love its point of view so sweet. xo

  2. Beautiful shot! Teething is such a cruel time, hope those teeth are through soon.

  3. Oh I know those days. Been having a week of it. Just wish the teeth would hurry up. Though you managed a great image


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