01 June, 2013


52 2

"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Cecily: 32 weeks. I can always tell when she wakes up in her car seat while we're out. Not because she makes any noise, but because I can see her little foot twitch ever so slightly. I like to peek at her under her muslin blanket, and this is usually what I see: Cecily's big green eyes quietly taking in her little car seat world. And as soon as I pull that blanket off, I get the biggest, happiest, gummiest, most BEAUTIFUL smile the world has ever seen.

Linking up with Jodi this week and every week.


  1. thats what my kids would call a 'looking face' as opposed to a 'crying face' or 'happy face' :)

    Beautiful composition x

  2. Lovely soft light falling on her face! Beautiful!

  3. Such beautiful eyes.... sigh


  4. love the little peek under her muslin -popping in from project 52

  5. this reminds me of when silly and i were overheating in the backseat of the car. oh i miss that gummy smile. :)


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