09 April, 2012

The Secret of Moonacre

If you haven't already seen The Secret of Moonacre, stop whatever you're doing right now and watch it on Netflix. GO!!


the secret of moonacre 2

the secret of moonacre

I loooooved it. The second it was over, I went to Amazon and ordered the book it was based on (The Little White Horse). I love good children's films and literature. They make me happy.


  1. The Little White Horse was my favorite book growing up! You should read other Elizabeth Goudge books too-- they're all really lovely and a little magical :) The ones I loved best are "Linnets and Valerians" and "The Blue Hills."

    1. Oh, awesome!! Thanks for the recommendation! I love when authors have multiple good books. If you like good children's literature still, you could try reading any of Gail Carson Levine's books. They're amazing! I studied them in some of my teaching classes, and I can't wait I can read them with my own children!

    2. Children's books are always the best for when you need to regain your faith in humanity. I always reread the Madeleine L'Engle books and the Enchanted Forest chronicles when I need a pick me up :)

  2. Hey is this the movie you were talking about? Ivy told me to watch it first.

    1. Well, I'm the one who actually watched it first!!! So there.

  3. I think I'd love this. Will add it to the top of my list as soon as this mag is launched.


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