12 April, 2012

Easter Wolfie

Wolfie was his usual adorable self on Easter. He and I were the only two to compete in an Easter egg hunt at my mom's on Sunday - the oldest and the youngest. It seemed appropriate. I'm probably the only person who would compete against a 9-month old baby... but I really like Easter egg hunts!!

Here he is reciting Hamlet to his Loppy.

loppy and wolfie

And here is he in a sugar coma on my lap with his loot surrounding him.

sleepy wolfie 1

sleepy wolfie 2

Jusssst kidding. He didn't get any candy. But he did enjoy shaking jelly-bean-filled eggs!


  1. oh my goshhhh... precious. :)

  2. Shaking those eggs just takes it out of you :)

  3. That nephew of yours is like a spontaneous Gap ad unto himself-- SO cute and SUPER charismatic :)

  4. He must have worn himself out competing against you! Such a cutie.

    :) Ewa



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