11 September, 2012


Guess who gets to meet her baby at 10:00 a.m. on the 31st of October??

32 weeks

This girl!
(Can you tell my shirt has little black cat heads all over it?!)

Our spooky little babe is all set to make her arrival via C-section on Halloween morning. You better believe we'll be calling her Spooky (I've been humming this song all day).

I'm honestly not even a little upset that I have to have a C-section... I've known it was a possibility for so long, so I've been able to come up with lists of drawbacks and benefits for each form of childbirth. I'm just so relieved to have an answer now! It's gonna be good. Really really good.

So yeah, in seven weeks and one day, I'm gonna be a mom! Oh wow... that's really really soon.


  1. yay for birthdays! congrats lady! c:

  2. You look so cute pregnant!!

  3. Congrats!!! I had to have a c-section with each of my kiddos. C-section babies have perfectly round heads:)

  4. Congrats! Hope it all goes well :)


  6. congrats!! that is so exciting!! I am super jealous too (8 weeks 3 days) I so want a Halloween baby. I can not wait to see your little one :) Is the nursery coming along? I am finally putting mine together, working on artwork right now the sewing will come in a few days!

  7. WHOA! That just got very real VERY fast I'm sure! So exciting, the end is in sight and then you will be holding your precious baby girl!! CONGRATS!!

  8. !!!!! So fantastic! My (as me personally) due date was 10/31/1982 but I showed up a week late on November 7th. Can I maybe say I'm little jealous you have an actual date?! The unknown is killer to me. :)

  9. ADORABLE. so excited for you!!!

  10. amazing! it must be so nice to have a date and a time. like kate i am a little jealous. i keep thinking of differing scenarios and the unknown is kind of killing me too. i am not that good at surprises ;)

  11. The C-Section reminds me of a conversation with a Co-Worker. She was at about the same stage as you are and I asked her if she was excited. She said "No, I have just realized that it is in there.. and it has to come out somehow.. and I don't like ANY of the options."

    Wishing you all the best:)

  12. My first came via c-section after 24 hrs of labor. My second will be arriving in 2 days via c-section, and knowing the date has been great! Enjoy the next 7 weeks and 1 day. :)

  13. I am SO EXCITED about this!! And a little jealous sweet girl gets a halloween bday. :) Eeek!

  14. You'll do totally fine. I had a scheduled C with my daughter last year b/c she was so big lol. I didn't know my date tho until the Monday before and I had her on Saturday. Just relax and enjoy the sleep till she comes. How cool she'll have a Halloween birthday. I was born in October and my birthday was always the start of the fun time of year so hers will be too.

  15. a Halloween baby!! I'm so excited for you!!

  16. a halloween baby! love it :) so happy for you guys! good luck!

  17. A Halloween baby, how perfect :) i am SO VERY EXCITED for you!!!

    and from someone who unexpectedly had to get a c-section-- i would do it again. It's not as bad as you think at all and if you have any questions or want to vent, i'm your girl ;) besides, anything is worth it to get your sweet baby girl <3

    my Felix is 3 weeks today and i still can't get over what a JOY she is and that she's mine.


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