12 September, 2011

Around the House - Scenes from Our Bathroom

Since we decided not to move, we've been trying to spruce up our home. We want to create a more relaxing environment inside so that it actually starts to feel like a retreat from madness instead of the center of it all. Our bathroom is extremely ugly. Ugly, stained, chipped blue tiles. Cracked paint on the walls. Broken tiles in the bathroom. And the most heinous bile-colored bathtub. Not a lot to work with, but it looks soooo much better and feels really calming.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 1_2

photo 2_2

(photos taken with, but not posted on, instagram)


  1. looks beautiful jasmine! i love the soap pump.

  2. It looks so cute already. I love he little "savon" et "bain"

  3. Totally bought those french word cans when I was sprucing up my own bathroom this summer! Everything looks fabulous!

  4. @esther. - thank you! i love those canisters!! i got the trash bin too. the inside color is so pretty. target is the best. :)

  5. That looks like such a relaxing and beautiful bathroom. I love it! xo

  6. This is so gorgeous! You've done such a great job with a room that's the hardest to redecorate!


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