Formerly called An Experiment in Poverty, this blog started as a way to cope with some pretty bad times, financially-speaking, in February 2009.
Since then:
our finances have improved,
we've upgraded our apartment,
we've added an extra kitty to the fold,
we got engaged,
we got married,
then we got pregnant,
and now we're a family of three (plus the kitties)!
This blog currently acts as our family's scrapbook, a place to document little pieces of our day-to-day life and keep track of our daughter's stages, phases, milestones, and everything in between.
then we got pregnant,
and now we're a family of three (plus the kitties)!
This blog currently acts as our family's scrapbook, a place to document little pieces of our day-to-day life and keep track of our daughter's stages, phases, milestones, and everything in between.
I'm Jasmine, the author of avec la fleur and an editor for The Violet. Levi is my husband. He's a hair stylist. We run an online shop called MĂ©nagerie. I make headbands; he draws. We both love Jesus and have committed our lives to serving God... of course, we constantly fail, but we keep trying. Cecily is our beautiful, perfect daughter, born on 20 October 2012.
Levi is an artist. I love to dance. We both enjoy being creative.
Jasmine likes:
talking, Tangled, the city, taking walks, gardens, flowers, scheming, and dreaming.
Levi likes:
galleries, basketball, being a beer snob, bumping into people he knows, riding bikes, and art supply stores.
Cecily likes:
music, chats with Momma, milk, the ceiling fan, going on adventures, Disneyland, and hollering.
We like:
coffee, magazines, San Francisco, our two kitties, Gretel & Lily, good food, music, travel, and nature.