23 December, 2011

The Nativity

Happy Christmas Eve Eve to you all!

I hope you're having a very blessed Christmas season so far.

Our nativity is my favorite part of our Christmas decorations:


And here's a fun little video on the nativity:

(Here is a link to the video if you can't play it from your smartphone on my blog.)

Besides the fact that my Mary has angel wings (I tried to rip them off... it's not happening), it looks like my nativity is fairly accurate! It doesn't really matter as long as Jesus is in there. :)

Enjoy the next few days leading up to the day we celebrate the birth of our savior!


  1. Did you see this video about the nativity? So precious. you'd love it!


    There is a head band give a way on my blog!


    Merry Christmas!

  2. That's such a sweet nativity scene. Happy Christmas from Manila! :)


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