23 March, 2010

hey utah people!

are any of you looking for a nice place to live?

my friend, stacey, is renting out her beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse in lehi, utah.

it's seriously huge...especially compared to what you can get here in southern california.

go here for her blog post on the townhouse, including lots of pictures. and go here for even more information.

i would probably kill for a kitchen this big in our apartment...this one actually has counter space!!


  1. oh jasmine! Thank you so much. It means a lot!

    And yes I would give my left arm for this house in california and for this price. we pay the same for our tiny place.

  2. oh my goodness, that place is SO cute! I wish I could make that my little home. It's about the same as my place but MUCH cuter with WAY more space.

    I can't help but look at pictures and dream though. *le sigh*


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